Qatrel is a theatre company based in Lisbon, Portugal, since 2008 with the following purpose: present groundbreaking contemporary plays that can question the major problems and political contradictions of our times. - To follow a transversal programme involving the performing Arts, underlining the intimate links between Theatre and all other artistic mediums, especially Music.

quarta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2008

Um amigo

hoje encontrei um amigo na rua que não via a algum tempo
também é nosso colega
é actor
estava com um carrinho de mão e um colete dos Correios
a distribuir revistas pelas nossas caixas de correio

é triste . . . !

today I found a friend in the street that did not see to some time
also is our colleague
he is an actor
he was with a stand of hand and a vest of the Post offices to distribute reviewed for our mailboxes

it is sad . . . !

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